Wednesday, January 3, 2007


I am still not sure what to name this blog, so any ideas would be helpful. I just wanted to let you know that I am starting this blog so that I can stay in touch with my friends and family while I am away in Uganda, and share some of the experiences I will have with all you you who are reading my blogs.
Today, is actually exactly 2 months away from the day I leave for staging, and then I'm off.
That would be, January 3, 2007, and my leave date is March 3, 2007. (I know you all needed the clarity) hehe.
Crazy how time flies... just like this blog. I think I'm done with my initial blog (which I have never done before), but now I have.
P.S. Let's just talk about the word blog.. haha. it's funny. "I just ate a hot dog and now I am going to blog all over you!"
Weird word.


Alex said...

woooo hooooo go kristy!!!

Anonymous said...

i like the "away with the wind" but i like "y'all act like y'all don't know me" even better!!

Anonymous said...

My vote ?... call it Kreeda Yo !