Today was a difficult day to say the least...
I guess knowing and having to say, "see you later" or "goodbye" is never easy... but when it comes to leaving for 2 years... ooo... it ain't easy.
It's all a little hard to explain, but mostly .. I will just miss my friends and sisters and everyone that I had to say goodbye to.
I guess knowing and having to say, "see you later" or "goodbye" is never easy... but when it comes to leaving for 2 years... ooo... it ain't easy.
It's all a little hard to explain, but mostly .. I will just miss my friends and sisters and everyone that I had to say goodbye to.
I initially had this idea in my head that I would sort of just sneak away for 2 years (haha)... that idea didn't work. hmm.. I think my Mom described something that may sort of explain how I feel about everyone in my life,
She says that she hopes I already know how she feels about me, and that a letter might not do it justice. I think I feel this way too... as far as when it comes to saying Thanks for everything you all have done for me... and the letters you wrote, coming by to visit, calling, journals, books and gifts you all have given me... Thank you! Sometimes I feel like "thank you" doesn't justify your support and love... that's pretty much what I'm getting at.
I will miss you all so FREAKING much while I'm away! I love ya'll!

Hey Kristy...
Andy says you are only 23 once and go in with wide eyes and take in everything that you see, and have FUN!!!!
He also commented on how you made him feel like an old man, he has known you for 16+ years!!
We are so very proud of you and your dream to do some good for the world, Annie loves to say, You rock!! So best wishes and we will be thinking of you often! Take care,
lots of Love,
Andy and Sarah
You'll never really know how proud I am of you! You have made a huge commitment to better our world. It's all YOU sista! Remember that your time in Uganda will be short in the scheme of things. Make it amazing Kristy! You are starting a new chapter in your life...one you will hold on to forever. So have a BLAST and know that your family and friends are going to be right here when you get back!
I love you to the moon and stars and back again!
It was great to talk to you today Kristy, even if just for a few minutes. I also wanted to say how proud I am of you. I've been proudly telling all my friends that I've got a friend going to Uganda with the Peace Corps. I admire and envy you tremendously. While other people your age are busy going into the "real world," you're experiencing a world that's more real than most of us will ever know. Godspeed beautiful friend!! I look forward to seeing what lies ahead for you!
aww I like how Alex said you'll be experiencing the world more real than we'll ever know...so very true! I love you so much and I can't wait to hear about all the exciting adventures you're about to experience! I love you soooo much!
Hey kristy!!! I hope that you are having a blast! I don't know when you are going to get this but be safe and don't forget about us!! : )
I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! have fun and enjoy every minute there...will be thinkin of you..
Miss you a lot and I hope that thing's are going well. I LOVE YOu lots! Hopefully the letter I mailed you will be their soon, I also have been writing you a second letter that's started on March 1st,and have continued writing on & off these last 2 week's so whne you fianlly get the letter it'll be pretty long and detailed!
Anyways, miss you and am assuming you are doing well! Love always, your Cara Baby
i also love alex's comment about you truly experiencing the REAL world because it's so true. i miss you everyday and i love to stop and think about what you're doing at this very moment all the way over in uganda... something very exciting, i'm sure!!
I don't have time to write a blog, but just wanted to tell you hi and I miss you.. hopefully I will be writing a new blog soon, and Uganda is great and I'm doing great!
Miss you all and love you with all my heart!
-Kristy :)
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