Sipi Falls is beautiful, see.
Rough week buddy:
This week at school, one day I visited a primary school and 4 out of 10 teachers were present, I even, well my eyes started poofing up in the office just especially because when I think about the kids... it can be hard to think about. One of the teachers, actually he was the deputy, so this is like the principal, he had taken his class to his own garden to plow during class time, grr... it made me mad. Another class was without a teacher all morning, and I'm just like woah dude.
I think there is this cycle. ... Uganda is living life as a circle, and I suppose as we all are...
A circle that goes around and around, and only can be stopped or broken if someone actually steps up and does something... please God, do something someone. haha, I am trying, but not sure if I can manage this large task.
"Corruption is killing our souls", and yes, it really is. I always see corruption everywhere here too... I see it in town, at the police station, even in church.
Some days, I am not sure if there is anything I can do, but some days I think I can... when I got to a good school, I think woo, now we are getting somewhere.
Let's all look up.
I had a random conversation with a Kenyan man on the street the other day... we got into a usual conversation about life here, and what the answers/ solutions were to some of the madness going on.
He told me, "the only answer is prayer"... he said that the only thing that would save any of us would be to look to God and hope for the best.
haha, at first this made me laugh, because I am thinking, well of course there is more we can do than just say a few prayers, even Jewel says, "We pray for peace, but if praying were enough, it would have come to be."... and she is smart, so I was thinking there is more we should do.. who knows.
But then sometimes I think about the power of prayer, and the power of positive thoughts, and everything like that, and maybe that is the answer... maybe just enough people aren't involved. So let's all get involved and do some praying. hehe. Seriously though, do it.
Pray for us here in Uganda, and everyone else in the world that faces the hard times of poverty, disease, sickness, sadness, etc.
Ok, I'll start...
Now your turn. woo!
Night time heaven
The stars here and the sky always are amazing, I love them so much. I think I can surely see when I look up like that. This weekend I went on a trip to Sipi Falls, it is a place in the mountains of Mbale and it is lovely, lovely. There were rainbows almost daily, and one day there was one that arched completely over a waterfall, and it looked so beautiful, I thought maybe it wasn’t even real. Haha.
We tented out over this cliff and at night it got so freezing. I tried to wrap myself up, but it never worked... yes, it does get cold in Uganda, although this is rare.
This week at school, one day I visited a primary school and 4 out of 10 teachers were present, I even, well my eyes started poofing up in the office just especially because when I think about the kids... it can be hard to think about. One of the teachers, actually he was the deputy, so this is like the principal, he had taken his class to his own garden to plow during class time, grr... it made me mad. Another class was without a teacher all morning, and I'm just like woah dude.
I think there is this cycle. ... Uganda is living life as a circle, and I suppose as we all are...
A circle that goes around and around, and only can be stopped or broken if someone actually steps up and does something... please God, do something someone. haha, I am trying, but not sure if I can manage this large task.
"Corruption is killing our souls", and yes, it really is. I always see corruption everywhere here too... I see it in town, at the police station, even in church.
Some days, I am not sure if there is anything I can do, but some days I think I can... when I got to a good school, I think woo, now we are getting somewhere.
Let's all look up.
I had a random conversation with a Kenyan man on the street the other day... we got into a usual conversation about life here, and what the answers/ solutions were to some of the madness going on.
He told me, "the only answer is prayer"... he said that the only thing that would save any of us would be to look to God and hope for the best.
haha, at first this made me laugh, because I am thinking, well of course there is more we can do than just say a few prayers, even Jewel says, "We pray for peace, but if praying were enough, it would have come to be."... and she is smart, so I was thinking there is more we should do.. who knows.
But then sometimes I think about the power of prayer, and the power of positive thoughts, and everything like that, and maybe that is the answer... maybe just enough people aren't involved. So let's all get involved and do some praying. hehe. Seriously though, do it.
Pray for us here in Uganda, and everyone else in the world that faces the hard times of poverty, disease, sickness, sadness, etc.
Ok, I'll start...
Now your turn. woo!
Night time heaven
The stars here and the sky always are amazing, I love them so much. I think I can surely see when I look up like that. This weekend I went on a trip to Sipi Falls, it is a place in the mountains of Mbale and it is lovely, lovely. There were rainbows almost daily, and one day there was one that arched completely over a waterfall, and it looked so beautiful, I thought maybe it wasn’t even real. Haha.
We tented out over this cliff and at night it got so freezing. I tried to wrap myself up, but it never worked... yes, it does get cold in Uganda, although this is rare.
Well, Kristy, I'm praying too...and you know what they say...'when 2 or more are gathered in your name'...well, it is more than powerful. You CAN and ARE making a difference. NEVER forget that!! I love you for your strength and insights and so much more.
Keep up the good work. Do your duty and leave the results to God. yes, prayers has a power.I will pray for you and all the PCVs in Uganda.
Mom of PCV
I know it's long overdue this comment.... You've learned well from your mother and your surroundings ! Peace be with you Kreeda ! You make a difference.
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