“The Struggle”… it used to make me laugh because it conjures up thoughts of rap songs, but now when I see it, I think yep… the struggle.
I see the struggle, feel the struggle and live the struggle. I guess we all do here in Uganda, at least a few times throughout the day. The struggle to get by, to carry your water, wash, teach, travel, live, provide, speak, wake, at night, in the day, always… there’s no getting around it. It’s basically what you do to survive. I guess to a certain extent people do it all around the world, but for some you just have to struggle harder.
When I visit schools, sometimes their motto is: “Struggle and succeed” I guess that’s true too. Thought it sounded strange at first, but here, it’s what you gotta do.
And, I think they like the word “struggle”… apparently I like it today too.
I heard the most hilarious BBC headline of all my time. The headline was approximately as follows:
Chinese people living in South Africa are now to be considered black people because of different rights or some sort of privilege they will get if they are considered black. Haha… what?
Hairy = Hotty

I have always been a trend setter since I can remember. (haha, not really). Anyway, the new black is hair. You should grow your armpit hairs and legs hairs out and you will be cool. Look and see, look and see.
Reflections and thoughts
I have been living in Uganda for about 16 months now, and sometimes it feels like forever, sometimes it feels like less. Lately I’ve been anxious and having feelings of being ready to move on thinking “I’ve been here for some time now, gotten to know people, the culture, helped out here and there, lived it, and now ready for a change” Not because I think I can or should or will or who knows… but the thoughts just run through your mind. Sometimes when I think about foreign aid, me being here, the world, life, my life, how short life is, my Dad, Mom, family, friends, etc. … then I think, ok, maybe it’s time to give back to where I am from. Even if that means just seeing and spending time with my family and friends, getting a job at home, volunteering at home… Anyway, the point of me putting this information on my blog is to just make anyone who cares aware of what thoughts and what it’s like sometimes being away for so long. I’m sure some can relate, some can’t, some think they can or can’t, but for me, I’m here, I’m doing this, and I’m writing this. I know what I know and I have what I have and for now there it is in short… ha.
Being here can be exciting, exhausting, fun, sad, boring, fast, slow, scary, fearless, thrilling, adventurous, and everything in between… I guess just like anywhere else except that I am in Uganda. Ha, before I came here, when I was first told I was assigned to Uganda, the honest truth is that I didn’t even know where it was on a map… and now I live here!
I can't reflect anymore right now.
By the way, I finally shaved those pits... and I ended up losing the bet, but seriously, it was the concept. Also, For some odd reason I ended up shaving at 2am on a Wednesday night or something... random and couldn't sleep...
Armpit hair and all, the most BEAUTIFUL Ugandan in all the land. Moon and Stars and Back Again 100 million times, and then some...
however much reflecting you do, and whatever conclusions you may draw, i still admire you like crazy for doing what you're doing!!
I love to read your writings, Kristy. They make me laugh and cry and in the end miss you more. Love,
So... I had shoulder surgery and i kid you not, my armpit hair was every bit as long as yours in that picture. Matt had to get electric clippers to trim it because I couldn't lift my arm up high enough to use a razor... plus it was long enough to where clippers worked. ew. It had actually started to curl out of the side of my armpit. (So, I hadn't really told anyone that before...)
I hope you are doing well :)
So... I had shoulder surgery and i kid you not, my armpit hair was every bit as long as yours in that picture. Matt had to get electric clippers to trim it because I couldn't lift my arm up high enough to use a razor... plus it was long enough to where clippers worked. ew. It had actually started to curl out of the side of my armpit. (So, I hadn't really told anyone that before...)
I hope you are doing well :)
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