Sunday, March 25, 2007

Here I am

... in Uganda...
ha, it's my first blog here, and it's exciting. Uganda so far is beautiful! It's a lot more green than I thought it was going to be, and I got to travel this weekend and see even more beautiful Uganda. Some areas are really hilly, and it reminds me of the part in the sound of music when they are singing on the hill.. haha... no but seriously, it is beautiful! The other day I got to stand on top and the breeze was crazy... it is so beautiful!
I am doing great here, and the people are so nice. I have written a couple emails, but I find some of the most exciting information is some of the gritty stuff...
The pit latrines are not fun, because I have to squat to take "short and long calls" ..(Uganda's words for poo and pee...hopefully you can guess which one goes with which...)... sometimes there are a lot of cockroaches in there at night, and that is pretty grody...
I am living with a host family at the moment, and they have 7 children, and it is exciting living there... it's pretty crazy, and I find myself a lot of times thinking, "Kristy, where are you??"
ha, public transportation is pretty crazy because there are potholes everywhere, and most of the times, the drivers seems to be dogging the potholes over the people... I have a feeling a common cause of death here is being hit by a taxi.
Goodness of Uganda is the weather, it's gorgeous, sometimes a little hot, but when you stand in the shade it is wonderful. The people are always smiling, and the scenery is so pretty!
Food= way too many carbs!
I will have to blog about this later!
I miss America and love everyone so much!


Anonymous said...

Kristy, I am so proud of you! I think of you constantly, and wish you were here, but I know you are where you should be right now. I am so happy for all that you are learning and doing! This is the time of your life! Don't forget to write it all down, even the small stuff! All my Love

Becca said...

I LOVE YOU!!!! I smile ear to ear everytime I think of you...

So proud Kreeda!


Anonymous said...

HEY KRISTY!! Everyone I run in to asks how you're doing! We all miss you so much. Richmond just isn't the same! By the sound of your e-mail / blog, it sounds as though you're doing very well. I look forward to every update. Love you!