Monday, January 7, 2008

Sweet Virginia

I just got back from America! I lOve America, and especially Virginia, that's my home. It was funny how easy I fell back into the life I had before I came here to Uganda. Everyone said I would have culture shock going back home, but it all seemed normal. There were a few things that made me be like, woah. Some of the coolest things were when I first got off the plane... I brushed my teeth and drank water from the sink, weird, I saw McDonald's in the airport, and even though I hated that place, I definitely ate there immediately... um, internet is way faster than I ever remembered, holy crap. Beer on tap.
Christmas was awesome, I got to be with my family and see all my friends.
I do miss home now though... not sure if I would recommend visiting while away, because it's really hard to say goodbye twice. A little too hard. I thought I was alright for a little while there, but when it came to the last few minutes ... it was pretty dern hard.
I am actually not even really back, back because I am still in Kampala waiting to leave tomorrow back to my site in the village... ask me then how I feel. hehe... good luck Kristy.

As you know, Kenya borders us here in Uganda. Recently there have been riots, killings, and a lot of madness because of the recent election. Kenya is so close to us that it feels like we are a part of some of the crazyness. There was an election for a new Kenyan President recently. Raila Odinga was running against the current president, President Mwai Kibaki. This Raila guy was beating President Kibaki by a pretty large margin initially, but the next day it showed a much smaller margin. There was a delayed announcement and unsureness of numbers and a possible recount, but it never happened. Only that a couple days later, it was announced that President Kibaki had won again. Kibaki was sworn in much earlier than normal, probably so there wasn't the possiblity of a recount or a chance for any questions. The people supporting Raila went crazy after the election announcement and began burning homes and shops of any Kibaki supporters or Kikuyu tribe members (the tribe of Kibaki). Since then, the retaliation of Kibaki's supporters has been on going as well, as each groups supporters basically killing each other.
This is effecting us here in Uganda by fuel shortages, sky-rocketing the prices, and since Uganda is land locked, Kenya is the direct route to the coast.

1 comment:

Alex said...

beer on tap...... whoa :-)
glad you had a good trip home!