Friday, April 27, 2007

I have seen Mt. Elgon and it comes up on you quick. It is so beautiful! I am hoping to get the chance to climb it one day, although I hear it is very expensive. I have had the chance to travel around Uganda a little bit, and each part I go to has it's own unique characteristics. Traveling also has it's own uniqueness.. and I have only touched on it a bit. I think I am starting to get somewhat used to it, but today I had about a 2 hour bus ride with 2 different behinds right on my arm and near my face. haha. Invading my personal space, so I kept trying to shove a little, nope, not working. Taxi's get crammed with people.. sometimes it get's a little crazy. A taxi that should carry approximately 11 people (if you were to wear seat belts and sit properly), for example, today we got 20 in.. so as you can see, that is 9 more, crammed in somehow, and my squished body to the window equals that somehow. hehe.. funny. I get a little nautious sometimes.. and every time we stop I feel like a whirl wind has hit me in the head. haha
Whenever I get a chance to sit next to the window though, I take it... If you are somewhat comfortable on a taxis or bus ride to anywhere in Uganda, there are breathtaking views, and I don't think twice about taking it all in and enjoying the scenery. It is most lovely.
I think I am starting to adopt a Uganda accent to my English... here are some funny quotes I have heard around that I think are pretty cool..
-A man was telling a story of once he tried some hotsauce, and this therefore created a "conflict" in his mouth.
-I was sitting in the shade, but when time began to pass, "the sun was invading us"
I love both of these, and I hear quotes with cool ways of using the English language all the time.. it is very interesting to hear and sometimes throws me off guard, and I will write it down.

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