Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sarah Budi was here! Sarah is my friend from home, we grew up together and she's a best friend of mine. I love her, I love you Sarah, ha. She came to Uganda, she saw, she somehow conquered and now she is gone. boo, that is the sad part. I can't decide if I'm gonna elaborate on our trip on this blog, but if I do, it won't be now... if you know Sarah, ask!

Well, in true Peace Corps form I've decided to stop shaving my legs and arm pits for the next few months and see how things go... I am now in a bet with another Peace Corps Volunteer, Rivka, so we will be hairy for a while. I know it's lovely.

I don't know if my cousin Katy reads this blog, but if you do... I just wanna give a shout out to you and Ted and the baby! wooo hooo! It's hard being here knowing that there's the first baby coming into our family, so but I am so excited even though far away! I can't wait to see pictures.

AKON is coming to Kampala Uganda! I can't wait for this either... it's April 26, and I really want to go. I love Akon, and I hope I can save up if it's fairly cheap and go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will buy your ticket for AKON, you have to go! That is cracking me up!!! Love you sister of mine :)